
Religious and Moral Education

Head of Religious and Moral Education Panel: Ms. Iris Yau & Ms. Anthea Ho

Marymount Primary School is a Catholic school. Our school is committed to the development of the whole person. The teaching of Religious and Moral Education enables our students to understand, appreciate and celebrate the richness of the Catholic Tradition and support young children in their lifelong journey of faith.

The Religious and Moral Education curriculum has been developed to stimulate and challenge students, especially in their understanding of Scripture and Tradition, their critical thinking and moral reasoning. It is based upon sound pedagogical practices. Central to the curriculum, and its effective teaching, is the 踏上星光途 textbook series and resources.

Throughout the primary years, students are invited to reflect on Sacred Scripture, talk with God through prayer, discover the beauty of God’s creation and explore how they can bring goodness to the people around them and to the world. Above all other things, this is the time when young people come to know how much God loves them, and when they are drawn into a love of God and others.

The life of St. Ignatius Loyola, the source of spirituality of our School Sponsoring Body –Christian Life Community, is introduced in our school-based curriculum. Our students are encouraged to develop a habit of reflection using the five-step Daily Examen that St. Ignatius practiced.

Different religious activities, like the morning prayers, liturgies and pilgrimages, are designed to enable both Catholic and non-Catholic students to experience and know more about Jesus Christ. Students are encouraged to live out their faith and act according to the teaching of Jesus in their daily life.