School Activities

JSMA Joint Music Contest & HKMO Joint Music Concert (Wind Ensemble)

JSMA Joint Music Contest & HKMO Joint Music Concert (Wind Ensemble)


The Wind Ensemble Team joined the JSMA joint music contest on 25 March and HKMO joint music concert on 31 March. They have prepared 5 songs for the competitions and they have improved a lot throughout the preparation process.

They got Bronze Award in the JSMA Joint music contest and the Meritorious Performance Award in the HKMO joint music concert. Congratulations!


Amanda Tam and Jaydn Wong from 5B, Tania Tam from 2A and Cadence Wong from 2B were the MCs of the HKMO joint music concert. As the theme of the HKMO concert was ‘Travel around the music World’, they wrote creative script and linked the 5 songs played by the Wind Ensemble.

PROUD OF THE WIND ENSEMBLE AND THE 4 MCs. They are truly MPS presenters!